
       因為我自己也想要了解[106美國直購] 可編程 iBeacon i4 LE 4.0 Programmable Beacon,所以到處尋找資訊做功課.雅虎購物、momo購物及博客來是我比較常去逛的EC網購平台,常常有優惠商品可撿便宜。DAISY最近也對這個商品很感興趣,最近我也在找[106美國直購] 可編程 iBeacon i4 LE 4.0 Programmable Beacon的相關資訊~DAISY是我的好朋友,為人正直又有愛心;DAISY他只會推荐好東西!

[106美國直購] 可編程 iBeacon i4 LE 4.0 Programmable Beacon
[106美國直購] 可編程 iBeacon i4 LE 4.0 Programmable Beacon。影音與家電人氣店家玉山最低比價網的首頁、美國直購館、@其他產品有最棒的商品。快到日本NO.1的R

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iBeacon i4 Bluetooth LE 4.0 Programmable Beacon

Programmable beacon and easy to sync with your existing mobile app. Uses are as endless as your app developer's imagination. Our beacons are CE-, FC-, and Mfi-certified.
The i4 beacon is weather proof and is ideal for outdoor and indoor use.
Compatible with all Social Retail? apps, Social Retail Digital Convergence Platform, and any beacon management platform compatible with iBeacon technology.
Includes beacon, CR2477 battery, adhesive tape. Transmission range is 328 feet. Average battery life is 1.5 year. Measures 1.44 in x 1.44 in x 0.64 in.

Send Special Offers or Time-Sensitive Information via Proximity-Based Push Notifications

Promote Products and Time Sensitive Offers Easily
Broadcast unlimited campaigns and send time-sensitive offers to attract nearby foot-traffic to your store.
Users will receive your content on one of the participating Social Network Retail applications or you can create your own application.
Bring in the local foot traffic and stand out from the competition.

Social Retail's i4 Beacon

How Does the i4 Beacon Work?

The i4 Beacon uses Bluetooth technology to send out notifications and messages to users within its proximity. Running on (1) CR2477 coin battery, the i4 beacon will last for 18 months and transmit messages up 328 feet.

The i4 Beacons are programmable and can be used in conjunction with our Social Retail beacon management platform or programmable with your own application using the SDK we provide.

Works with iBeacon protocol
UUID, Major, Minor, Transmission range, Broadcast intervals are all adjustable.
Our beacons are CE-, FC-, and Mfi-certified.
The beacon will run for 18 months on a single C42477 coin battery.
Transmission range is 328 feet.
Measures 1.44 in x 1.44 in x 0.64 in.
Comes in a weather-resistant plastic case.
Fully programmable and easy to set up to create your own apps

Each beacon comes with full instructions on how to connect them to our Social Retail management platform and instructions on how to configure the beacons for programmability.

Product Information
Product Dimensions 1.4 x 1.4 x 0.6 inches
Item Weight 1.6 ounces
Shipping Weight 1.6 ounces
Manufacturer Social Retail
Item model number i4


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