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Corel Painter 2018 Digital Art Suite for PC/Mac - Education Edition

Effortlessly and efficiently transition your artwork from traditional media and tools to digital with this powerful art and design suite
Add texture and depth to your work with the ability to pile up, push around, carve into, scrape, and blend paint with tools like brushes and palette knives
Create photo art and collages with clone sources, adjusting their size and shape on the fly, and adjusting transparency for seamless integration into your pieces
Import 2D renders of 3D models and use source blending to brush on textures like scales and pores or paint directly to canvas to add character
Combine your artistic expression with the speed and power of this hybrid art application to experiment and open new possibilities in your work

From the manufacturer

Digital art & painting software
Make an effortless transition from traditional to digital art, and accomplish natural, professional results in less time with Painter 2018. Expand your digital art capabilities using a phenomenal collection of the world’s most realistic Natural-Media. Experiment with an array of unlimited art materials trusted by artists worldwide, including thick paints, flowing watercolors, and texture-filled media. Take advantage of in-app learning, Photoshop compatibility, 2.5D texture painting, and industry leading photo painting tools. Combine these state-of-the art tools with the speed, power, and thrill of a hybrid art application, and you’ll see how Painter is changing what’s possible in art.

Academic Verification Required:
Corel Academic Editions are for student and educators only. If you (or the person you are buying the product for) are a college student or college educator, you may use any Corel Academic Edition product. Additionally, you may not sell this product on Amazon Marketplace. Amazon uses SheerID to verify student/teacher status. In order to verify eligibility, you will be prompted for your academic information during the checkout process.

What's New
Thick Paint
Cloning Capabilities
Texture Synthesis
2.5D Texture Brushes
Natural-Media brushes

Thick Paint
Plunge into a digital painting experience like no other with voluminous media that lets you pile up, push around, carve into, scrape, and blend your way to realistic painted perfection. Apply pressure, tilt and rotation using Bristle Brushes, and work with Palette Knives to achieve unbelievably real brushstrokes.

Cloning Capabilities
One of the best photo art tools just got even more powerful, and the ability to collage and edit photo art is now incredibly simple. Create clone sources in Painter 2018, or import and adjust the size and shape of your clone source on the fly. Experience the new freedom of painting from transparent clone sources that seamlessly blend into your composition. Bonus! Save your favorite clone sources with transparency to your library for use in future masterpieces.

Texture Synthesis
Select an area of your canvas or a favorite texture and allow Painter to use its DNA to automatically generate a larger image for you. Use this unique texture fingerprint to add captivating depth and detail to your final works of art. Best of all, you can save these newly expanded textures for use in your future works of art.

2.5D Texture Brushes
Paint with stunning 2.5D texture brushes that lift paint off the canvas. Import a 2D rendering of a 3D model and use source blending to brush on thick scales, pores or nubby texture. Or, paint direct onto your canvas to add alluring character to your art. Finish things off by skillfully adjusting the ambient surface lighting of the painted result to really make your canvas shine.


System Requirements
Windows 10 (64-Bit), Windows 8.1 (64-Bit), or Windows 7 (64-Bit) (with the latest updates).

Intel Core 2 or AMD Athlon 64 processor, 2 GHz or faster.

4 logical cores or higher (recommended).

2 GB RAM (8 GB RAM or higher recommended).

1 GB hard disk space for application files*.

Solid-state drive (recommended).

1280 x 800 screen resolution (1920 x 1080 recommended).

Mouse or tablet.

DVD drive (required for box installation).

Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or higher, with the latest updates.

To activate your product, you must connect to the Internet and register it first.

*Additional space may be required for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.

macOS 10.12, OS X 10.11 and OS X 10.10, with the latest revision.

Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support.

4 logical cores or higher (recommended).

2 GB RAM (8 GB RAM or higher recommended).

750 MB hard disk space for application files.

Solid-state drive (recommended).

1280 x 800 screen resolution (1920 x 1080 recommended).

Mouse or tablet.

DVD drive (required for box installation).

To activate your product, you must connect to the Internet and register it first.

Read more
Product description
Platform:Disc | Edition:Education
Expand your artistic capabilities with Corel Painter 2018 Education Edition Digital Art Suite for PC and Mac. Effortlessly and efficiently transition your artwork from traditional media and tools to digital with this powerful art and design suite. Add texture and depth to your work with the ability to pile up, push around, carve into, scrape, and blend paint with tools like brushes and palette knives. Create photo art and collages with clone sources, adjusting their size and shape on the fly, and adjusting transparency for seamless integration into your pieces. Import 2D renders of 3D models and use source blending to brush on textures like scales and pores or paint directly to canvas to add character. Combine your artistic expression with the speed and power of this hybrid art application to experiment and open new possibilities in your work.

Product details
Platform: Disc | Edition: Education
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.4 x 7.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.5 ounces
Item model number: PTR2018MLDPA


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